Rambler's Top100

№ 117 - 118
16 - 29 June 2003

About the project

Electronic version of bulletin Naselenie i obschestvo (Population and Society)
Center for Demography and Human Ecology of the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences

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Call for application

Three years international seminar for excellence in teaching for lecturers
from NIS countries will start with summer session in Smolensk
(Moscow region, Russia) on 3rd - 22nd of August 2003




Disciplines and Academic Areas:
Sociology, History, Law, Demography, Economy, Political Science, Anthropology and Social Geography

Project Duration: spring 2003 - spring 2006

Project Description: The importance of the proposed school seminar is determined by the great influence of migration processes on the economical, political and social development of all countries and by the necessity of relevant multi-disciplinary curricula on migration studies in the of higher education institutions of the CEE countries.
The aim of the three-year seminar in excellence in teaching "Migration Studies: Theory, Methods and Practice of Regulations of Migration Processes" is to help young academics to analyze the state of the art in migration studies and create new courses based on the contemporary knowledge. With the help of a resource faculty team, through guided and independent study, interactive discussions, individual and group project work the young faculty participants will develop knowledge and expertise with current international scholarship and trend in study and teaching contemporary migration studies. Special attention will be given to applying theory and research to developing multi-disciplinary programs and courses on theory and processes of migration and its regulation. The duration of seminar gives the opportunity to establish the network of professionally trained experts in the CEE countries by creating the links between resource faculty team, seminar participants and students of home universities.

Working Languages: Russian and English

Program Directors:
Dr. Molodikova Irina
, Senior Researcher of Center of Ethnic Regional Studies (Moscow), Visiting professor at the Central European University (Budapest)
Dr. Katrovsky Alexandr, Professor, pro-rector of Smolensk Humanitarian University

Core Resource Faculty:
Dr. Ohliger Rainer
(Germany), Dr. Alla Yastrebova (Russia), Dr. Pirozkov Sergeu (Ukraine), Dr. Attila Melegh (Hungary),
Dr. Mukomel Vladimir (Russia), Dr. Wallace Claire (Austria), Dr. Vitkovskaya Galina (Russia), Alla Yastrebova (Russia),
Dr. Scheibelhofer Elisabeth (Austria), Dr. Zaionchkovskaya Zhanna (Russia).

Participants Eligibility (see application form below):
Region/countries: CIS countries (preferably Russia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Caucasian region, Ukraine, Moldova)
Academic level: young university teachers having PhD or last year PhD students with teaching experience in relevant discipline
The participants have to meet the following requirements and commitments:
- Be able to participate in summer sessions in August of 2003/2004/2005 years
- Participate in intersession activities and three days seminar in regions in 2004/2005/2006 years
- Have the Internet access
- Present the completed curricular of relevant course at the third summer session
Other criteria: up to 40 year old
Deadline for applications: 20th June 2003
Final selection results: 30th June 2003
Application package:
- application form
- CV
- names and affiliations of at least 2 referees familiar with you and your work
- statement of purpose
- list of main publications
- short essay describing the syllabus of an academic course developed as a result of participation at the program (see enclosed application form)

Contact Information for Applicants and General Inquiries:
Contact persons:

Roschina Tamara - ttrosch@yandex.ru
Sergutina Svetlana - sveta@shu.ru
Postal address: 214014 Smolensk, Russia,ul.Gertsena 2
Telephone: +7-0812-68-35-80
Fax: +7-0812-68-3335
E-mail: region@shu.ru
Web site www.shu.ru, www.demoscope.ru
Financial Support: Seminar organizers provide full scholarships for the all participants selected for three years program. The scholarship includes travel grants, food and accommodation packages along with educational materials.

Other Important Information:
The seminar is supported by Open Society Institute (Budapest) and also
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Moscow Branch;
- International Organization for Migration, Moscow Branch;
- Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Moscow Branch;
- International Association "DIALOGUE"(Hungary).

See also Word file with Application Form FOR PARTICIPATION IN THREE YEARS SUMMER SESSION SEMINARS AND INTERSESSION ACTIVITIES For the period of 2003-2006 years


(c) Demoscope Weekly

Demoscope Weekly is supported by:
Open Society Institute (Soros Foudation), Russia - www.osi.ru
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org
UNESCO MOST (Management of social transformations) Programme - www.unesco.org/most