О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

Франк Лоример. Население Советского Союза: история и перспективы 

History and Prospects

By Frank Lorimer







I. The Population of the Russian Plain to the End of the Nineteenth Century

1. Russia as a New Continent
2. Geographical and Cultural Factors in the Demographic History of Russia
3. Rise of the Russian Nation
4. Growth of the Russian Population in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
5. Population Densities in the Russian Empire, 1897

II. Economic Structure of the Russian Empire

1. The Agrarian Background
2. Mining and Industry
3. Transportation
4. Colonization and the Economy of Outlying Regions
5. Relations between Population, Resources, and Economic Structure

III. Population Changes during World War I, Revolution, and Civil War

1. General Description
2. Estimate of the Prewar Population Trend
3. Estimated Loss in Wars, Revolution, and Famine
4. Factors Underlying the Population Deficit
5. Effects of War Losses on the Soviet Population

IV. Residence of the Soviet Population, 1926, in Relation to Place of Birth

1. Data of the 1926 Census Relating to Migration
2. Definition of Census Regions
3. Net Redistribution among Regions

V. Ethnic Composition of the Soviet Population, 1926

1. Groups Culturally Associated with European Russia
2. Ethnic Diversity in the Caucasus
3. The Indigenous Nationalities of Asiatic Russia
4. Summary Description of Ethnic Groups in the U.S.S.R
5. Ethnic Differentiation and Political Status

VI. Characteristics of the Soviet Population, by Regions, 1926

1. Density and Degree of Urbanization
2. Occupational Characteristics
3. Variations in Level of Living
4. Population in Relation to Resources
5. Literacy

VII. Regional Variations in Natality, Mortality, and Reproduction, 1926-1927

1. Variations in Mortality
2. Variations in Fertility and Reproduction
3. Child-Woman Ratios by Ethnic Group

VIII. Trend of Occupations and Production in the Soviet Union, 1926-1939

1. Trend of Employment and Industrial Production, 1926-1939
2. The Reorganization of Agriculture
3. Distribution of Population by Occupational Class, 1926 and 1939
4. Changes in Farm Population, Livestock, and Sown Land
5. Summary

IX. Trend of the Soviet Population, 1926-1939

1. The Problem of Estimating Population Trends
2. Examination and Adjustment of Statistics on Mortality, 1926-1927
3. Conditions Affecting Mortality in the Inter census Period
4. Estimates of Mortality, 1938-1940
5. The Trend of Fertility in the Early Soviet Period
6. Conditions Affecting Fertility, and Estimated Trend, 1927-1938
7. Estimates of Natural Increase and Net Reproduction, 1926 and 1938
8. Analysis of Population Change, 1926-1939
9. Changes in Ethnic Affiliation
10. Changes in the Age and Sex Composition of the Population

X. Population Redistribution within the Soviet Union, 1926-1939

1. Population Projections: Assumptions and Procedure
2. The Growth of Cities
3. Method of Analyzing Population Redistribution, 1926-1939
4. Changes in Urban Population by Study Areas
5. Changes in Rural Population by Study Areas
6. Population Redistribution: Migration and Differential Natural Increase
7. Comparison of Changes in Two Intercensus Periods
8. Migration Policies

XI. War Changes and Population Prospects

1. Population Projections: Assumptions and Procedure
2. Hypothetical Adjustment for War Losses
3. Population Projections, U.S.S.R. (January-1939 Area), 1940-1970
4. Possible Effect of Boundary Changes
5. Changes in Age and Sex Composition, 1940-1970
6. Population Displacement during the Second World War
7. Relation of War Movements to Long-Rang? Perspectives
8. Cultural Trends
9. Summary and Prospects


I. Notes on Estimation of the Growth and Distribution of Russian Population,1724-1897
II. Data Used in Estimating the Trend of Agricultural Production, 1883-1914
III. Notes on Estimates of the Deficit in Growth of the Population in the U.S.S.R., 1897-1926
IV. The Derivation of Gross and Net Reproduction Ratios, U.S.S.R. Areas, 1924-1926
V. Notes on the Employed Labor Force and Economic Classes in the Soviet Union, 1926-1939
VI. Notes on Observed and Expected Population, U.S.S.R., 1939, and Estimated Distribution of Population, 1939, by Age and Sex
VII. Study Areas
VIII. Population Projection Data



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ISSN 1726-2887

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