Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

№ 843 - 844
20 января - 2 февраля 2020

ISSN 1726-2887

первая полоса

содержание номера


читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


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Ценности семейно-детного образа жизни (СЕДОЖ–2019)

Здравоохранение в России. 2019

Demographic situation in Georgia 2018

Global Tuberculosis Report 2019

Заболеваемость населения старше трудоспособного возраста (с 55 лет у женщин и с 60 лет у мужчин) по России в 2018 году с диагнозом, установленным впервые в жизни

По страницам журналов «Социологические исследования» и «Гигиена и санитария»

Содержание журнала «Population and environment»

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Volume 40

Issue 4, June 2019

Original Papers

No landward movement: examining 80 years of population migration and shoreline change in Louisiana
Mathew E. Hauer, R. Dean Hardy, Deepak R. Mishra & J. Scott Pippin

The impact of indoor air pollution on health outcomes and cognitive abilities: empirical evidence from China
Yun Qiu, Feng-An Yang, Wangyang Lai

Water access in post-tsunami Indonesia
Michael Burrows

Disaster vulnerability, displacement, and infectious disease: Nicaragua and Hurricane Mitch
Peter Loebach, Kim Korinek

Direct and indirect impacts of environmental factors on migration in Burkina Faso: application of structural equation modelling
Florence De Longueville, Yajing Zhu, Sabine Henry

Culture, climate change and mobility decisions in Pacific Small Island Developing States
Robert Oakes

Volume 41

Issue 1, September 2019

Original Papers

Extreme weather and migration: evidence from Bangladesh
Amanda R. Carrico, Katharine Donato

Where there is smoke: solid fuel externalities, gender, and adult respiratory health in India
Aashish Gupta

Residential buyouts as environmental mobility: examining where homeowners move to illuminate social inequities in climate adaptation
Kevin Loughran, James R. Elliott

Issue 2, December 2019

Combining Remotely Sensed and Demographic Data to Investigate Population Processes

Issue Editors: Deborah Balk, Kathryn Grace


Investigating demographic processes using innovative combinations of remotely sensed and demographic data
Deborah Balk, Kathryn Grace

Original Papers

Does crop diversity at the village level influence child nutrition security? Evidence from 11 sub-Saharan African countries
Daniel Tobin, Kristal Jones, Brian C. Thiede

Climate-induced cross-border migration and change in demographic structure
Joyce Chen, Valerie Mueller

Missing millions: undercounting urbanization in India
Kyle Onda, Parmanand Sinha, Andrea E. Gaughan, Forrest R. Stevens & Nikhil Kaza

Hunger, nutrition, and precipitation: evidence from Ghana and Bangladesh
Matthew Cooper, Molly E. Brown, Carlo Azzarri & Ruth Meinzen-Dick

People and Pixels 20 years later: the current data landscape and research trends blending population and environmental data
Tracy A. Kugler, Kathryn Grace, David J. Wrathall, Alex de Sherbinin, David Van Riper, Christoph Aubrecht, Douglas Comer, Susana B. Adamo, Guido Cervone, Ryan Engstrom, Carolynne Hultquist, Andrea E. Gaughan, Catherine Linard, Emilio Moran, Forrest Stevens, Andrew J. Tatem, Beth Tellman & Jamon Van Den Hoek

Spatio-temporal patterns of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in relation to drinking water salinity at the district level in Bangladesh from 2016 to 2018
Jessie Pinchoff, Mohammad Shamsudduha, Sharif Mohammed Ismail Hossain, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag & Charlotte E. Warren

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ISSN 1726-2887

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