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5 - 18 октября 2015

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Journal of Marriage and Family


Volume 77, 2015

Issue 2, April

Research on Gene-Environment Interactions: An Exchange

Interparental Relationship Sensitivity Leads to Adolescent Internalizing Problems: Different Genotypes, Different Pathways
Gabriel L. Schlomer, Gregory M. Fosco, H. H. Cleveland, David J. Vandenbergh and Mark E. Feinberg

Gene–Environment Interplay: Where We Are, Where We Are Going
Jessica E. Salvatore and Danielle M. Dick

Looking Forward in Candidate Gene Research: Concerns and Suggestions
Gabriel L. Schlomer, H. H. Cleveland, David J. Vandenbergh, Gregory M. Fosco and Mark E. Feinberg


Does the Amount of Time Mothers Spend With Children or Adolescents Matter?
Melissa A. Milkie, Kei M. Nomaguchi and Kathleen E. Denny

“I'll Be There for You”: Teen Parents' Coparenting Relationships
Stefanie Mollborn and Janet Jacobs

Parenting Stress, Parental Reactions, and Externalizing Behavior From Ages 4 to 10
Jennifer S. Mackler, Rachael T. Kelleher, Lilly Shanahan, Susan D. Calkins, Susan P. Keane and Marion O'Brien


Welfare-to-Work Reform and Intergenerational Support: Grandmothers' Response to the 1996 PRWORA
Christine Ho

What About the Grandparents? Children's Postdivorce Residence Arrangements and Contact With Grandparents
Sarah Katharina Westphal, Anne-Rigt Poortman and Tanja Van der Lippe

The Delay of Grandparenthood: A Cohort Comparison in East and West Germany
Thomas Leopold and Jan Skopek

Of General Interest

His, Her, or Their Divorce? Marital Dissolution and Sickness Absence in Norway
Svenn-Åge Dahl, Hans-Tore Hansen and Bo Vignes

Hopelessly Devoted? Relationship Quality During and After Incarceration
Kristin Turney

Effect of Marriage and Spousal Criminality on Recidivism
Signe Hald Andersen, Lars Højsgaard Andersen and Peer Ebbesen Skov

Involvement With Past-Union Children and Couple Childbearing Intentions
Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott

Relationship Preferences Among Gay and Lesbian Online Daters: Individual and Contextual Influences
Gina Potârcă, Melinda Mills and Wiebke Neberich

Intimacy and Emotion Work in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Relationships
Debra Umberson, Mieke Beth Thomeer and Amy C. Lodge

Source-Country Gender Roles and the Division of Labor Within Immigrant Families
Kristyn Frank and Feng Hou

Family Ties and Young Fathers' Engagement in Cape Town, South Africa
Shelley Clark, Cassandra Cotton and Letícia J. Marteleto

Issue 3, June

Low Income & Non-Resident Fathers

How Much In-Kind Support Do Low-Income Nonresident Fathers Provide? A Mixed-Method Analysis
Jennifer B. Kane, Timothy J. Nelson and Kathryn Edin

Coparenting and Nonresident Fathers' Monetary Contributions to Their Children
Julia S. Goldberg

Father Involvement and Childhood Injuries
Lenna Nepomnyaschy and Louis Donnelly

Effect of Low-Income Unmarried Fathers' Presence at Birth on Involvement
Jennifer L. Bellamy, Matthew Thullen and Sydney Hans

Of General Interest

The Production of Inequality: The Gender Division of Labor Across the Transition to Parenthood
Jill E. Yavorsky, Claire M. Kamp Dush and Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan

Getting “Bi” in the Family: Bisexual People's Disclosure Experiences
Kristin S. Scherrer, Emily Kazyak and Rachel Schmitz

Empathic Accuracy and Aggression in Couples: Individual and Dyadic Links
Shiri Cohen, Marc S. Schulz, Sabrina R. Liu, Muhannad Halassa and Robert J. Waldinger

Local Day Care Quality and Maternal Employment: Evidence From East and West Germany
Pia Sophia Schober and Christa Katharina Spiess

Widowhood and Well-being in Europe: The Role of National and Regional Context
Brett Ory and Tim Huijts

Parents' Death and Adult Well-being: Gender, Age, and Adaptation to Filial Bereavement
Thomas Leopold and Clemens M. Lechner

Adolescents' Perceptions of Family Belonging in Stepfamilies
Valarie King, Lisa M. Boyd and Maggie L. Thorsen

Stepchildren's Views About Former Step-Relationships Following Stepfamily Dissolution
Marilyn Coleman, Lawrence Ganong, Luke Russell and Nick Frye-Cox

Intergenerational Exchanges of Middle-Aged Adults With Their Parents and Parents-In-Law in Korea
Kyungmin Kim, Steven H. Zarit, Karen L. Fingerman and Gyounghae Han

Exiting and Returning to the Parental Home for Boomerang Kids
Sara E. Sandberg-Thoma, Anastasia R. Snyder and Bohyun Joy Jang

Issue 4, August

Brief Reports

Convergence or Continuity? The Gender Gap in Household Labor After Retirement
Thomas Leopold and Jan Skopek

Toward a Standard Approach to Operationalizing Coercive Control and Classifying Violence Types
Jennifer L. Hardesty, Kimberly A. Crossman, Megan L. Haselschwerdt, Marcela Raffaelli, Brian G. Ogolsky and Michael P. Johnson

Intergenerational Relationships

“I'll Give You the World”: Socioeconomic Differences in Parental Support of Adult Children
Karen L. Fingerman, Kyungmin Kim, Eden M. Davis, Frank F. Furstenberg Jr., Kira S. Birditt and Steven H. Zarit

Gay and Lesbian Adults' Relationship With Parents in Germany
Karsten Hank and Veronika Salzburger

Extending the Intergenerational Stake Hypothesis: Evidence of an Intra-individual Stake and Implications for Well-being
Kira S. Birditt, Caroline Sten Hartnett, Karen L. Fingerman, Steven H. Zarit and Toni C. Antonucci

Impact of Genetic Relatedness and Emotional Closeness on Intergenerational Relations
Mirkka Danielsbacka, Antti O. Tanskanen and Anna Rotkirch

Estrangement Between Mothers and Adult Children: The Role of Norms and Values
Megan Gilligan, J. Jill Suitor and Karl Pillemer

How Childhood Circumstances Moderate the Long-Term Impact of Divorce on Father–Child Relationships
Matthijs Kalmijn

Of General Interest

Multigenerational Punishment: Shared Experiences of Undocumented Immigration Status Within Mixed-Status Families
Laura E. Enriquez

Are “Equals” Happier Than “Less Equals”? A Couple Analysis of Similarity and Well-being
Renske Keizer and Aafke Komter

Temporal Ordering of Intimate Relationship Efficacy and Conflict
Matthew D. Johnson and Jared R. Anderson

Health Insurance and Risk of Divorce: Does Having Your Own Insurance Matter?
Heeju Sohn

Income, Relationship Quality, and Parenting: Associations With Child Development in Two-Parent Families
Lawrence M. Berger and Sara S. McLanahan

Longitudinal Mediators of Relations Between Family Violence and Adolescent Dating Aggression Perpetration
H. Luz McNaughton Reyes, Vangie A. Foshee, Beverly L. Fortson, Linda A. Valle, Matthew J. Breiding and Melissa T. Merrick

Issue 5, October

Special Section on Asian Families in Context edited by Yingchun Ji

Asian Families at the Crossroads: A Meeting of East, West, Tradition, Modernity, and Gender
Yingchun Ji

Contingent Work Rising: Implications for the Timing of Marriage in Japan
Martin Piotrowski, Arne Kalleberg and Ronald R. Rindfuss

Between Tradition and Modernity: “Leftover” Women in Shanghai
Yingchun Ji

Women's Attitudes Toward Family Formation and Life Stage Transitions: A Longitudinal Study in Korea
Erin Hye-Won Kim and Adam Ka Lok Cheung

Reprivatized Womanhood: Changes in Mainstream Media's Framing of Urban Women's Issues in China, 1995–2012
Shengwei Sun and Feinian Chen

Single and the City: State Influences on Intimate Relationships of Young, Single, Well-Educated Women in Singapore
Karlien Strijbosch

Gender and Children's Housework Time in China: Examining Behavior Modeling in Context
Yang Hu

Brief Reports

The Great Recession, Fertility, and Uncertainty: Evidence From the United States
Daniel Schneider

Gender Composition of Children and the Third Birth in the United States
Felicia F. Tian and S. Philip Morgan

The Changing Association Among Marriage, Work, and Child Poverty in the United States, 1974–2010
Regina S. Baker

Stepfather–Adolescent Relationship Quality During the First Year of Transitioning to a Stepfamily
Valarie King, Paul R. Amato and Rachel Lindstrom

Dimensional Latent Structure of Relationship Quality: Results of Three Representative Population Samples
Sören Kliem, Heather M. Foran, Johannes Beller, Kurt Hahlweg, Yve Stöbel-Richter and Elmar Brähler

Of General Interest

Nonmarital Relationships and Changing Perceptions of Marriage Among African American Young Adults
Ashley B. Barr, Ronald L. Simons and Leslie Gordon Simons

Does Marriage Moderate Genetic Effects on Delinquency and Violence?
Yi Li, Hexuan Liu and Guang Guo

Vetting and Letting: Cohabiting Stepfamily Formation Processes in Low-Income Black Families
Megan Reid and Andrew Golub

The “Cougar” Phenomenon: An Examination of the Factors That Influence Age-Hypogamous Sexual Relationships Among Middle-Aged Women
Milaine Alarie and Jason T. Carmichael

Parental Work Schedules and Child Overweight or Obesity: Does Family Structure Matter?
Daniel P. Miller and Jina Chang

Maternal Work Absence: A Longitudinal Study of Language Impairment and Behavior Problems in Preschool Children
Ragnhild B. Nes, Lars J. Hauge, Tom Kornstad, Markus A. Landolt, Lorentz Irgens, Leif Eskedal, Petter Kristensen and Margarete E. Vollrath

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