Rambler's Top100

№ 651 - 652
24 августа - 6 сентября 2015

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Golden Aging : Prospects For Healthy, Active, And Prosperous Aging In Europe And Central Asia

Demography Report (Eurostat)

Демографический ежегодник Республики Беларусь

Дети и молодежь Республики Беларусь

Российская экономика в 2014 году

По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» и «Акушерство и гинекология»

Содержание журнала «Population & Societes»

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№ 518, January 2015

Recourse to abortion is decreasing, but repeat abortions are more frequent

Magali Mazuy, Laurent Toulemon, Elodie Baril

Forty years ago, on 17 January 1975, the Veil Law was passed, authorizing abortion in France. It was made permanent in 1979 and subsequent amendments have made access to abortion easier: reimbursement by the health insurance system in 1982, less restrictive conditions of access and a lengthening of the legal deadline for abortion in 2001. The notifications completed by physicians for each abortion provide a means to analyse changes in behaviour over time.


№ 519, February 2015

Why is intercountry adoption declining worldwide?

Jean-François Mignot

In 2013, there were three times fewer adoptions worldwide than in 2003. Moreover, most internationally adopted children now have “special needs”, which means that they are relatively old, are with siblings, or have a disability. This article looks at the causes and consequences of declining intercountry adoption over the last decade, in France and across the world.


№ 520, March 2015

France and the United Kingdom: demographic stability on the continent, stop-and-go across the Channel

Gilles Pison

Metropolitan France (i.e. mainland France and Corsica) is the third most populous European Union country, behind Germany and the United Kingdom (UK). The populations of metropolitan France and the United Kingdom have been of similar size for the last 20 years (nearly 65 million in 2015) and have been increasing at virtually the same pace. This means that the two regularly swap places as the European Union’s second largest country. But as Gilles Pison explains, the sources of population growth in the two countries are not the same.


№ 521, April 2015

First cohabiting relationships: recent trends in France

Wilfried Rault, Arnaud Régnier-Loilier

In the 1960s, couples rarely lived together without being married. Since then, premarital cohabitation and consensual unions have become more widespread, although marriage has by no means disappeared. Drawing upon a recent survey whose initial findings are presented here, Wilfried Rault and Arnaud Régnier-Loilier reveal how young people today experience their first cohabiting relationship, and look at how behaviours have changed over time.


№ 522, May 2015

Can environmental migrations be measured?

Jacques Véron, Valérie Golaz

In recent years, extreme events have triggered considerable population mobility. Rising sea levels and ever more frequent natural disasters are raising concerns about an increase in “environmental” or “climate” migration. But can such migration be measured? Jacques Véron and Valérie Golaz take a closer look at this question.


№ 523, June 2015

What is the link between mothers’ level of education and low birthweight?

Lidia Panico, Maxime Tô, Olivier Thévenon

Mothers with a low level of education or from a disadvantaged background have low birthweight babies more often than other women, and low birthweight is itself linked to a risk of ill-health in childhood and even in adult life. Using data from the Elfe child cohort study, which is following the lives of 18,000 children born in 2011, Lidia Panico, Maxim Tô and Olivier Thévenon explore the relationship between family socioeconomic status and newborn health.


№ 524, July-August 2015

A majority of people would prefer to die at home, but few actually do so

Sophie Pennec, Joëlle Gaymu, Françoise Riou, et al.

Most people would prefer to die in their own bed, but in fact only a quarter of deaths occur in the home. The “Fin de vie en France” [End of life in France] survey follows the residential and medical trajectories of patients up to their death. In cases of non-sudden death, 45% of persons are living at home four weeks before they die. The most frequent pattern is a move from home to hospital before death (30%); just 14% remain at home throughout the last month of life. A transfer back home from hospital is much less frequent (2%). The complexity of treatment often makes home care unfeasible, so a hospital transfer is inevitable. This is the reason most frequently given for not respecting the patient’s wish to die at home.


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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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