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№ 631 - 632
23 февраля - 8 марта 2015

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Социология. Естествознание. Общество

Здоровье населения России: влияние окружающей среды в условиях изменяющегося климата

Международно-правовые механизмы регулирования миграции: доктринальные подходы и опыт Российской Федерации

Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели. 2014

Uzbekistan. Health Systems in Transition

По страницам журналов «Демографическое обозрение» и «Терапевтический архив»

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Journal of Marriage and Family


Volume 76, 2014

Issue 3, June

Brief Reports

Parental Residential and Partnering Transitions and the Initiation of Adolescent Romantic Relationships
Katya Ivanova, Melinda Mills and René Veenstra

Marital Discord and Subsequent Dissolution: Perceptions of Nepalese Wives and Husbands
Elyse Jennings

Relationship Context of Fertility

Grasping the Diversity of Cohabitation: Fertility Intentions Among Cohabiters Across Europe
Nicole Hiekel and Teresa Castro-Martín

Marriage or Carriage? Trends in Union Context and Birth Type by Education
Christina Gibson-Davis and Heather Rackin

The Decoupling of Marriage and Parenthood? Trends in the Timing of Marital First Births, 1945–2002
Sarah R. Hayford, Karen Benjamin Guzzo and Pamela J. Smock

Marriage and Cohabitation

Cohabitation, Relationship Quality, and Desistance From Crime
Walter Forrest

A Population-Based Study of Alcohol Use in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Unions
Corinne Reczek, Hui Liu and Russell Spiker

Generous or Greedy Marriage? A Longitudinal Study of Volunteering and Charitable Giving
Christopher J. Einolf and Deborah Philbrick

Of General Interest

Modern Traditionalism: Consanguineous Marriage in Qatar
Geoff Harkness and Rana Khaled

How to Deal With Moral Tales: Constructions and Strategies of Single-Parent Families
Ulrike Zartler

Husbands' Participation in Housework and Child Care in India
Nancy Luke, Hongwei Xu and Binitha V. Thampi

Paternal Hostility and Maternal Hostility in European American and African American Families
Ed Y. Wu, Ben T. Reeb, Monica J. Martin, Frederick X. Gibbons, Ronald L. Simons and Rand D. Conger

High Educational Aspirations Among Pregnant Adolescents Are Related to Pregnancy Unwantedness and Subsequent Parenting Stress and Inadequacy
Patricia L. East and Jennifer S. Barber

Family Experiences of Competition and Adolescent Performance
Barbara Lynn Schneider, Gregory Wallsworth and Iliya Gutin

Relationship Satisfaction Trajectories Across the Transition to Parenthood Among Low-Risk Parents
Brian P. Don and Kristin D. Mickelson

Issue 4, August

Work and Family

Young Women's Job Mobility: The Influence of Motherhood Status and Education
Jessica Looze

Weekend Work and Leisure Time With Family and Friends: Who Misses Out?
Lyn Craig and Judith E. Brown

His and Hers: Economic Factors and Relationship Quality in German)
Jessica Halliday Hardie, Claudia Geist and Amy Lucas


Have Authoritarian Parenting Practices and Roles Changed in the Last 50 Years?
Tatiana Alina Trifan, Håkan Stattin and Lauree Tilton-Weaver

Parents' Relationship Quality and Children's Behavior in Stable Married and Cohabiting Families
Julia S. Goldberg and Marcia J. Carlson

Parenting in Relation to School Dropout Through Student Engagement: A Longitudinal Study
Kristjana S. Blondal and Sigrun Adalbjarnardottir

Dynamic Family System Trajectories From Pregnancy to Child's First Year
Jallu Lindblom, Marjo Flykt, Asko Tolvanen, Mervi Vänskä, Aila Tiitinen, Maija Tulppala and Raija-Leena Punamäki

Of General Interest

Can Johnson's Typology of Adult Partner Violence Apply to Teen Dating Violence?
Janine M. Zweig, Jennifer Yahner, Meredith Dank and Pamela Lachman

Trends in Cohabitation Outcomes: Compositional Changes and Engagement Among Never-Married Young Adults
Karen Benjamin Guzzo

Single Motherhood, Living Arrangements, and Time With Children in Japan
James M. Raymo, Hyunjoon Park, Miho Iwasawa and Yanfei Zhou

Nonresident Father Involvement With Children and Divorced Women's Likelihood of Remarriage
Catherine B. McNamee, Paul Amato and Valarie King

Reconfigured Reciprocity: How Aging Taiwanese Immigrants Transform Cultural Logics of Elder Care
Ken Chih-Yan Sun

Issue 5, October

Brief Report

Work Hours, Schedules, and Insufficient Sleep Among Mothers and Their Young Children
Ariel Kalil, Rachel Dunifon, Danielle Crosby and Jessica Houston Su

Couple Relationships

Couple Longevity in the Era of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States
Michael J. Rosenfeld

Divorce in Norwegian Same-Sex Marriages and Registered Partnerships: The Role of Children
Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik, Ane Seierstad and Turid Noack

Happy Marriage, Happy Life? Marital Quality and Subjective Well-being in Later Life
Deborah Carr, Vicki A. Freedman, Jennifer C. Cornman and Norbert Schwarz

Living Apart Together and Money: New Partnerships, Traditional Gender Roles
Vicky Lyssens-Danneboom and Dimitri Mortelmans

A Social Network Comparison of Low-Income Black and White Newlywed Couples
Grace L. Jackson, David Kennedy, Thomas N. Bradbury and Benjamin R. Karney

Is the Cohabitation–Marriage Gap in Money Pooling Universal?
Dana Hamplová, Céline Le Bourdais and Évelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk

Family in the Great Recession

Economic Strain and Children's Behavior in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
Lindsey Jeanne Leininger and Ariel Kalil

Private Financial Transfers, Family Income, and the Great Recession
Aaron Gottlieb, Natasha Pilkauskas and Irwin Garfinkel

Of General Interest

Maternal Employment and Parenting Through Middle Childhood: Contextualizing Factors
Cheryl Buehler, Marion O'Brien, Kevin M. Swartout and Nan Zhou

Diet and Exercise in Parenthood: A Social Control Perspective
Corinne Reczek, Mieke Beth Thomeer, Amy C. Lodge, Debra Umberson and Megan Underhill

Reinstitutionalizing Families: Life Course Policy and Marriage in the Military
Jennifer Lundquist and Zhun Xu

Parental Migration and Education of Left-Behind Children: A Comparison of Two Settings
Yao Lu

Volume 77, 2017

Issue 1, February

From the Editor

From the Editor
R. Kelly Raley

Original Articles

Communicating Qualitative Research: Some Practical Guideposts for Scholars
Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen

Placing Families in Context: Challenges for Cross-National Family Research
Wei-hsin Yu

Minority Stress and Stress Proliferation Among Same-Sex and Other Marginalized Couples
Allen J. LeBlanc, David M. Frost and Richard G. Wight

The Relationship Between Maternal Education and Children's Academic Outcomes: A Theoretical Framework
Jessica F. Harding, Pamela A. Morris and Diane Hughes

Exploring Ambivalence in Family Ties: Progress and Prospects
Ingrid Arnet Connidis

Challenges and Opportunities for Research on Same-Sex Relationships
Debra Umberson, Mieke Beth Thomeer, Rhiannon A. Kroeger, Amy C. Lodge and Minle Xu

Marginal Structural Models: An Application to Incarceration and Marriage During Young Adulthood
Valerio Bacak and Edward H. Kennedy

Families Under the Microscope: Repeated Sampling of Perceptions, Experiences, Biology, and Behavior
Rena L. Repetti, Bridget M. Reynolds and Meredith S. Sears

Measuring Constructs in Family Science: How Can Item Response Theory Improve Precision and Validity?
Rachel A. Gordon

Family Structure and Child Well-being: Integrating Family Complexity
Susan L. Brown, Wendy D. Manning and J. Bart Stykes

Investigating Family Shared Realities With Factor Mixture Modeling
W. Justin Dyer and Randal D. Day

Social Relations Model Analyses of Perceived Self-Control and Trust in Families
Asuman Buyukcan-Tetik, Catrin Finkenauer, Merel Siersema, Karin Vander Heyden and Lydia Krabbendam

Parental Responsibilities: Dilemmas of Measurement and Gender Equality
Andrea Doucet

Sampling Richness and Qualitative Integrity: Challenges for Research With Families
Kevin Roy, Anisa Zvonkovic, Abbie Goldberg, Elizabeth Sharp and Ralph LaRossa

Do Positive Feelings Hurt? Disaggregating Positive and Negative Components of Intergenerational Ambivalence
Megan Gilligan, J. Jill Suitor, Scott Feld and Karl Pillemer

Handling Missing Values in Longitudinal Panel Data With Multiple Imputation)
Rebekah Young and David R. Johnson

The Analysis of Duocentric Social Networks: A Primer
David P. Kennedy, Grace L. Jackson, Harold D. Green, Thomas N. Bradbury and Benjamin R. Karney

Estimates and Meanings of Marital Separation
Dmitry Tumin, Siqi Han and Zhenchao Qian

Special Reviewers


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ISSN 1726-2887

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