Rambler's Top100

№ 611 - 612
22 сентября - 5 октября 2014

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Демографические проблемы России: взгляд из прошлого в будущее

Мировая демографическая ситуация 2014 год

Предотвращение самоубийств: глобальный императив

Здоровье населения Республики Беларусь 2009-2013

Населення України. Імперативи демографічного старіння

По страницам журналов «Социальные аспекты здоровья населения» и «Акушерство и гинекология»

Содержание журнала «Demographic Research»

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Volume 30

Article 67

Gender differentials in the timing of measles vaccination in rural India
Anu Rammohan, Niyi Awofeso, Kazi Iqbal

Article 68

Spatial inequalities in infant survival at an early stage of the longevity revolution: A pan-European view across 5000+ regions and localities in 1910
Sebastian Klüsener, Isabelle Devos, Peter Ekamper, Ian Gregory, Siegfried Gruber, Jordi Martí-Henneberg, Frans van Poppel, Luís Silveira, Arne Solli

Article 69

Do student loans delay marriage? Debt repayment and family formation in young adulthood
Robert Bozick, Angela Estacion

Volume 31

Article 1

The impact of grandparental investment on mothers’ fertility intentions in four European countries
Antti Tanskanen, Anna Rotkirch

Article 2

Factors responsible for mortality variation in the United States: A latent variable analysis
Christopher Tencza, Andrew Stokes, Samuel Preston

Article 3

Do co-residence and intentions make a difference? Relationship satisfaction in married, cohabiting, and living apart together couples in four countries
Tsui-o Tai, Janeen Baxter, Belinda Hewitt

Article 4

A cross-country comparison of math achievement at teen age and cognitive performance 40 years later
Vegard Skirbekk, Valeria Bordone, Daniela Weber

Article 5

Age-specific fertility by educational level in the Finnish male cohort born 1940‒1950
Jessica Nisén, Pekka Martikainen, Karri Silventoinen, Mikko Myrskylä

Article 6

Male fertility in Greece: Trends and differentials by education level and employment status
Alexandra Tragaki, Christos Bagavos

Article 7

Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during, and after the demographic transition: An introduction
Martin Dribe, Michel Oris, Lucia Pozzi

Article 8

Gender and time allocation of cohabiting and married women and men in France, Italy, and the United States
Suzanne Bianchi, Laurent Lesnard, Tiziana Nazio, Sara Raley

Article 9

Reverse survival method of fertility estimation: An evaluation
Thomas Spoorenberg

Article 10

Disagreements among cohabiting and married couples in 22 European countries
Tanja Van der Lippe, Marieke Voorpostel, Belinda Hewitt

Article 11

A method for socially evaluating the effects of long-run demographic paths on living standards
Nick Parr, Ross Guest

Article 12

Fertility and education in Poland during state socialism
Zuzanna Brzozowska

Article 13

The labour trajectories of immigrant women in Spain: Are there signs of upward social mobility?
Elena Vidal-Coso, Pau Miret-Gamundi

Article 14

Software for multistate analysis
Frans J. Willekens, Hein Putter

Article 15

Fertility and the fast-track: Continued childbearing among professionals in Sweden, 1991-2009
Maria Stanfors

Article 16

Attrition in the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey: Is there a bias by fertility-relevant aspects?
Isabella Buber-Ennser

Article 17

Age patterns of racial/ethnic/nativity differences in disability and physical functioning in the United States
Jennifer Melvin, Robert Hummer, Irma Elo, Neil Mehta

Article 18

Economic crisis and women’s labor force return after childbirth: Evidence from South Korea
Li Ma

Article 19

A matrix approach to the statistics of longevity in heterogeneous frailty models
Hal Caswell

Article 20

The residential segregation of detailed Hispanic and Asian groups in the United States: 1980-2010
John Iceland, Daniel Weinberg, Lauren Hughes

Article 21

Local determinants of crime: Do military bases matter?
Alfredo Paloyo, Colin Vance, Matthias Vorell

Article 22

Unobserved population heterogeneity: A review of formal relationships
James W. Vaupel, Trifon I. Missov

Article 23

Certainty of meeting fertility intentions declines in Europe during the 'Great Recession'
Maria Rita Testa, Stuart Basten

Article 24

Race, color, and income inequality across the Americas
Stanley Bailey, Aliya Saperstein, Andrew Penner

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ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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