Rambler's Top100

№ 443 - 444
15 - 28 ноября 2010

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Смертность подростков в Российской Федерации

Борьба с неравенством в здравоохранении: синтез опыта и инструментов

Доклад ВОЗ о глобальной табачной эпидемии, 2009 год

Трудовая миграция и вопросы здравоохранения


По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» и «Вестник РАМН»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Population Economics»

Web demoscope.ru

Journal of Population Economics


Volume 23

Number 2 / March 2010

Richard Easterlin receives IZA Prize in Labor Economics

Does a food for education program affect school outcomes? The Bangladesh case
Xin Meng and Jim Ryan

Free education, fertility and human capital accumulation
Leonid V. Azarnert

Parental transfers, student achievement, and the labor supply of college students
Charlene Marie Kalenkoski and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia

Central exit examinations increase performance... but take the fun out of mathematics
Hendrik Jürges and Kerstin Schneider

Arab immigrants in the United States: how and why do returns to education vary by country of origin?
Ashraf El-Araby Aly and James F. Ragan

Firm-level social returns to education
Pedro S. Martins and Jim Y. Jin

Aging, fertility, social security and political equilibrium
Makoto Hirazawa, Koji Kitaura and Akira Yakita

Population aging, health care, and growth
Ken-ichi Hashimoto and Ken Tabata

Hiring older workers and employing older workers: German evidence
John S. Heywood, Uwe Jirjahn and Georgi Tsertsvardze

Do early life and contemporaneous macroconditions explain health at older ages?
An application to functional limitations of Dutch older individuals
France Portrait, Rob Alessie and Dorly Deeg

Do the elderly reduce housing equity? An international comparison
Maria Concetta Chiuri and Tullio Jappelli

The spillover effects of population aging, international capital flows, and welfare
Hiroyuki Ito and Ken Tabata

Mortality, fertility, education and capital accumulation in a simple OLG economy
Alexander Ludwig and Edgar Vogel

Growth and unemployment in an OLG economy with public pensions
Tetsuo Ono

Pension reform and labor market incentives
Walter H. Fisher and Christian Keuschnigg

Mixing Bismarck and child pension systems: an optimum taxation approach
Robert Fenge and Jakob von Weizsäcker

Do Beveridgian pension systems increase growth?
Christophe Hachon

Erratum to: Binge drinking and labor market success: a longitudinal study on young people
Shao-Hsun Keng and Wallace E. Huffman

Number 3 / June 2010

Sexual orientation and earnings: a register data-based approach to identify homosexuals
Ali M. Ahmed and Mats Hammarstedt

The intra-firm gender wage gap: a new view on wage differentials based on linked employer–employee data
Anja Heinze and Elke Wolf

Wages and employment of French workers with African origin
Romain Aeberhardt, Denis Fougère, Julien Pouget and Roland Rathelot

Dual tracks: part-time work in life-cycle employment for British women
Sara Connolly and Mary Gregory

Approval of equal rights and gender differences in well-being
Rafael Lalive and Alois Stutzer

Giving to family versus giving to the community within and across generations
Partha Deb, Cagla Okten and Una Okonkwo Osili

Measuring educational inequalities: a method and an application to Albania
Nathalie Picard and François-Charles Wolff

Are parents altruistic? Evidence from Mexico
Christian Schluter and Jackline Wahba

Youth emancipation and perceived job insecurity of parents and children
Sascha O. Becker, Samuel Bentolila, Ana Fernandes and Andrea Ichino

Childhood family structure and schooling outcomes: evidence for Germany
Marco Francesconi, Stephen P. Jenkins and Thomas Siedler

Do smart parents raise smart children? The intergenerational transmission of cognitive abilities
Silke Anger and Guido Heineck

Number 4 / September 2010

The response of Japanese wives’ labor supply to husbands’ job loss
Miki Kohara

The effects of remarriage on women’s labor supply
Alison Aughinbaugh

Far above rubies: Bride price and extramarital sexual relations in Uganda
David Bishai and Shoshana Grossbard

Migration, trade and wages
Alexander Hijzen and Peter W. Wright

Immigrant migration dynamics model for The Netherlands
Govert E. Bijwaard

International migration: a panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows
Anna Maria Mayda

Competition, substitution, or discretion: an analysis of Palestinian and foreign guest workers in the Israeli labor market
Ted N. Aranki and Yousef Daoud

From Europe to the Americas: a comparative panel-data analysis of migration to Argentina, Brazil, and the United States, 1870–1910
J. Ulyses Balderas and Michael J. Greenwood

The relative importance of the husband’s and wife’s characteristics in family migration, 1960–2000
Steven Tenn

Après nous le Déluge: fertility and the intensity of struggle against immigration
Leonid V. Azarnert

Trade, population growth, and the environment in developing countries
Ulla Lehmijoki and Tapio Palokangas

Gibrat’s law for countries
Rafael González-Val and Marcos Sanso-Navarro

Acknowledgment to editorial collaborators

Erratum to: Journal of Population Economics, Volume 23 (3)

The Publisher

Volume 24

Number 1 / January 2011

Farewell to Werner A. Müller (Springer-Verlag)—reception at IZA

How does household production affect measured income inequality?
Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart

Household production in a collective model: some new results
Benoît Rapoport, Catherine Sofer and Anne Solaz

Does female participation affect the sharing rule?
Bernarda Zamora

The changing intra-household resource allocation in Russia
Guy Lacroix and Natalia Radtchenko

Open AccessStepping stones for the unemployed: the effect of temporary jobs on the duration until (regular) work
Marloes de Graaf-Zijl, Gerard J. van den Berg and Arjan Heyma

The erosion of union membership in Germany: determinants, densities, decompositions
Bernd Fitzenberger, Karsten Kohn and Qingwei Wang

Age structure of the workforce in growing and declining industries: evidence from Hong Kong
Jun Han and Wing Suen

Non-monotonicity in the longevity–income relationship
Stefan Hupfeld

Optimal linear taxation under endogenous longevity
Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere

Uncertain survival and time discounting: intertemporal consumption plans for family trusts
Stephen E. Satchell and Susan Thorp

The US productivity slowdown, the baby boom, and management quality
James Feyrer

The why, when, and how of immigration amnesties
Gil S. Epstein and Avi Weiss

Should the US have locked heaven’s door?
Reassessing the benefits of postwar immigration
Xavier Chojnicki, Frédéric Docquier and Lionel Ragot

Twenty-fourth conference and general assembly of the European Society for Population Economics, Essen, 2010

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ISSN 1726-2887

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