Rambler's Top100

№ 349 - 350
13 - 26 октября 2008

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Институт демографии Государственного университета - Высшей школы экономики

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2300 год: Глобальные проблемы и Россия

Атлас «Здоровье России»

Atlas of health in Europe

Материнская смертность в 2005 г.

Россия и сопредельные страны: природоохранные, экономические и социальные последствия изменения климата

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Экономика и организация промышленного производства»

Содержание журнала «Studies In Family Planning»

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Studies In Family Planning


December 2007 - Vol. 38 Issue 4

Introduction and Overview

Learning Through Conflict: Ethical Debates in Sexual and Reproductive Health

John W. Townsend

A Question of Ethics: Research and Practice in Reproductive Health

Saumya RamaRao, Barbara Friedland, and John W. Townsend

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health Services

Ethical and Human Rights Perspectives on Providers' Obligation to Ensure Adolescents' Rights to Privacy

Karin Ringheim

Harm Reduction or Women's Rights? Debating Access to Emergency Contraceptive Pills in Canada and the United States

L.L. Wynn, Joanna N. Erdman, Angel M. Foster, and James Trussell

Ethical Issues in HIV Testing

Ethical and Public Health Considerations in HIV Counseling and Testing: Policy Implications

Sara E. Yeatman

Routine Testing for HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Philosopher's Perspective

George M. Brockway

The Sexual Ethics of HIV Testing and the Rights and Responsibilities of Partners

Ruth Dixon-Mueller

Should Caregivers Be Compelled to Disclose Patients' HIV Infection to the Patients' Sex Partners Without Consent?

Babafemi Odunsi

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health Research

Confidentiality Concerns with Mapping Survey Data in Reproductive Health Research

Jill E. Sherman and Tamara L. Fetters

pages 309–321

Using Mystery Clients to Assess Condom Negotiation in Malawi: Some Ethical Concerns

Francine van den Borne

Reproductive Health and the State

Ethics, Ideology, and Reproductive Health Policy in the United States

Andrzej Kulczycki

Reproductive Health in Iran: Pragmatic Achievements, Unmet Needs, and Ethical Challenges in a Theocratic System

Amir H. Mehryar, Shirin Ahmad-Nia, and Shahla Kazemipour

March 2008 - Vol. 39 Issue 1


Heterogeneous Condom Use in Contemporary Russia

Theodore P. Gerber and Danielle Berman

The Effects of Unintended Pregnancy on Infant, Child, and Parental Health: A Review of the Literature

Jessica D. Gipson, Michael A. Koenig and Michelle J. Hindin

Refining the Criteria for Stalled Fertility Declines: An Application to Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 1990-2005

Tom A. Moultrie, Victoria Hosegood, Nuala McGrath, Caterina Hill, Kobus Herbst, and Marie-Louise Newell


Women's Acceptance of Intimate Partner Violence within Marriage in Rural Bangladesh

Sidney Ruth Schuler and Farzana Islam


Hospital Policies and Practices Concerning Normal Childbirth in Jordan

Mary Sweidan, Ziyad Mahfoud, and Jocelyn DeJong


Social Marketing: No Longer a Sideshow

Philip D. Harvey


Bolivia 2003: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Nigeria 2003: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey



June 2008 - Vol. 39 Issue 2


Catholics Using Contraceptives: Religion, Family Planning, and Interpretive Agency in Rural Mexico

Jennifer S. Hirsch

Fertility Transitions in Developing Countries: Progress or Stagnation?

John Bongaarts

Rates of Induced Abortion in Iran: The Roles of Contraceptive Use and Religiosity

Amir Erfani and Kevin McQuillan


Intimate Partner Violence and Interference with Women's Efforts to Avoid Pregnancy in Jordan

Cari Jo Clark, Jay Silverman, Inaam A. Khalaf, Basem Abu Ra'ad, Zeinab Abu Al Sha'ar, Abdullah Abu Al Ata, and Anwar Batieha

Clinic-based Surveillance of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes to Identify Induced Abortions in Accra, Ghana

Elizabeth Oliveras, Clement Ahiadeke, Richard M. Adanu, and Allan G. Hill


Cambodia 2005: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Rwanda 2005: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey



September 2008 – Vol. 39 Issue 3


The Path to Replacement Fertility in Egypt: Acceptance, Preference, and Achievement

Laila O. El-Zeini

Domestic Violence, Contraceptive Use, and Unwanted Pregnancy in Rural India

Rob Stephenson, Michael A. Koenig, Rajib Acharya, Tarun K. Roy

Reproductive Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Differentials versus Concentration

Sarah C. Giroux, Parfait M. Eloundou-Enyegue, Daniel T. Lichter


Knowledge and Opinions of Emergency Contraceptive Pills Among Female Factory Workers in Tijuana, Mexico

Sandra G. García, Davida Becker, Marcela Martínez de Castro, Francisco Paz, Claudia Díaz Olavarrieta, Dolores Acevedo-García

The Effects of a Communication Program on Contraceptive Ideation and Use Among Young Women in Northern Nigeria

Stella Babalola, Lisa Folda, Hadiza Babayaro


Armenia 2005: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Zimbabwe 2005–06: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Book Reviews

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

Russian America Top. Рейтинг ресурсов Русской Америки.