Rambler's Top100

№ 299 - 300
3 - 16 сентября 2007

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
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World population prospects. The 2006 revision

Global population blow-up and after. The demographic revolution and information society

Health: a vital investment for economic development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Доклад о состоянии здравоохранения в мире, 2007 г. Обзор

Мигранты и диаспоры на востоке России: практики взаимодействия с обществом и государством

По страницам журналов «Здравоохранение Российской Федерации» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Journal of International Migration and Integration»

Web demoscope.ru

Journal of International Migration and Integration


Volume 5, Number 4 / September, 2004

Institutional change and emerging cohorts of the “New” immigrant second generation: Implications for the integration of racial minorities in Canada
Jeffrey G. Reitz and Kara Somerville

Labour market careers of immigrants in Germany and the United Kingdom
Irena Kogan

Genre et performance scolaire en milieu minoritaire au Quebec. Les élèves originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne
Jean-Paul Mbuya Mutombo and Ghislaine Ngoie Wa Bienge

Conceptual clarity in international collaborations: A point of departure for policy-relevant research on discrimination
Anita J. Gagnon, Luciana Ruppenthal, Lisa Merry, Rhonda Small, Linda Ogilvie, Barbara Liegl, Deiter Schindlauer, James Frideres, Ather H. Akbari, Stephan Reichhold and Henry Mårtenson

Introduction to policy debates
Baha Abu-Laban

Canada is a real country: A reply to Peter Li
Daniel Stoffman

On immigrant integration: Reply to Stoffman
Peter S. Li

Book review

Shaheen Shariff, Marian Rossiter, Jim Gurnett, Linda Bosniak, Dubravka Babic, Allan L. McCutcheon, Denise L. Spitzer, André P. Grace, Irene Bloemraad, Hugo Dobson and Judith Adler Hellman

Books received

Volume 6, Number 1 / December, 2005

Resetting the rules of the game: Language preferences and social relations of work between Russian immigrants and veteran professionals in an Israeli organization
Larissa Remennick

Les dynamiques de la migration contrainte: suivons le troupeau!
Julie Kaizen

The unmaking of citizenship education for adult immigrants in Canada
Reva Joshee and Tracey M. Derwing

Canadian immigration, Mexican emigration, and a North American regional interpretation
Imtiaz Hussain

Structural and behavioural determinants of immigrant and non-immigrant health status: Results from the Canadian community health survey
Shiva S. Halli and John P. Anchan

Attitudes toward work: Ethnic minorities and immigrant groups in Vancouver
Harald Bauder

Book review

Janet Dench, Kevin R. Johnson, Joanne van Selm, Lloyd L. Wong, Marlene Mulder, Anna Kirova, Lois Labrianidis, Terri Givens and Frances Henry

Books received

Volume 6, Number 2 / March, 2005

Introduction: The re-emergence of religion in international public discourse
Paul A. Bramadat and John Biles

Religious identity and educational attainment among recent immigrants to Canada: Gender, age, and 2nd generation
Peter Beyer

Religion, social capital, and “The day that changed the world”
Paul A. Bramadat

Incorporating Muslim migrants in western nation states – a comparison of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
Matthias Koenig

Social capital and identity politics among Asian Buddhists in Toronto
Janet McLellan and Marybeth White

Contesting sacred urban space:The case of the Eruv
Myer Siemiatycki

Religions and social capital. Theses on religion(s), state(s), and society(ies): With particular reference to the United Kingdom and the European Union
Paul Weller

Laicity and religious diversity Quebec’s approach: Report to the minister of citizen relations and immigration

Conseil des relations interculturelles

Laïcité et diversité religieuse: l’approche québécoise

Conseil des relations interculturelles

Book reviews

Diane Dagenais, Cécile Sabatier, Alexander I Gray, Bernard Schissel, Karim H. Karim, Hans P. Werner, Alan Searsr and Ena Lee

Volume 6, Numbers 3-4 / September, 2005

Les enjeux de l’entreprenariat immigré
Antoine Pécoud

Resilient teenagers: Explaining the high educational aspirations of visible-minority youth in Canada
Harvey Krahn and Alison Taylor

The economic causes and consequences of Canadian citizenship
Don J. DeVoretz and Sergiy Pivnenko

Work and immigrants: An analysis of employment activity in the first ten years of establishment in the Montreal area
Jean-François Godin and Jean Renaud

Slavic brides in rural Alberta
Marian J. Rossiter

NGO-government relations and immigrant services: Contradictions and challenges
Ted Richmond and John Shields

Book reviews

Meera Warrier, James Jupp, Victoria M. Esses, Michelle P. Goldberg, Peter van der Veer, Dhiru Patel, Marilyn Huber, Stan Houston and Adrienne S. Chan

Reviewers for this volume

Books received

Volume 7, Number 1 / December, 2006

Size Matters: Attracting New Immigrants to Canadian Cities
Jennifer Hyndman, Nadine Schuurman and Rob Fiedler

Professional re-entry for foreign-trained immigrants
Hieu Van Ngo and David Este

“When is my Dutch good enough?” Experiences of refugee women with Dutch labour organizations
Halleh Ghorashi and Maria van Tilburg

Multiple citizenship and naturalization: An evaluation of German and Dutch policies
Anita Böcker and Dietrich Thränhardt

Practising traditional Chinese medicine in a Canadian context: The roles of immigration, legislation, and integration
Lyren Chiu

Book reviews

Lisa Magaña, Holger Kolb, Claudia Diehl, Roumiana Ilieva, Baha Abu-Laban and Beverley Daniel

Books received

Professional Re-entry for Foreign-Trained Immigrants
Hieu Van Ngo and David Este

Contributors' Notes/Notes biographiques

Volume 7, Number 2 / June, 2006

Différence dans la qualité de logement: Immigrants et non-immigrants à Montréal Toronto et Vancouver
Xavier Leloup and Nong Zhu

What happened to the Canada-United States brain drain of the 1990s? New evidence from the 2000 US census
Richard E. Mueller

The short-term, medium-term, and long-term economic performance of immigrant women in Canada and the United States
Lori Wilkinson, Tracey Peter and Renuka Chaturvedi

A Canadian exceptionalism? Trust and diversity in Canadian cities
Abdolmohammad Kazemipur

Dutch immigrant policies before and after the Van Gogh murder
Rinus Penninx

Book reviews

Kevin O’Neil, Constance Lever-Tracy, Marian Rossiter, Zahra Bhanji, Nikta Razavi, Lyubov Zhyznomirska, Carlos Teixeira, Rini Sumartojo and Brian Ray

Books received

Différence dans la qualité de logement: Immigrants et non-immigrants à Montréal, Toronto et Vancouver
Xavier Leloup and Nong Zhu

The Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Long-Term Economic Performance of Immigrant Women in Canada and the United States
Lori Wilkinson, Tracey Peter and Renuka Chaturvedi

Dutch Immigrant Policies Before and After the Van Gogh Murder

Rinus Penninx

Volume 7, Number 3 / June, 2006

The changing face of Chinese immigrants in Canada
Shibao Guo and Don J. DeVoretz

La performance des élèves des communautés noires aux examens ministériels du secondaire Québécois: Cohortes 1994, 1995, 1996
Marie McAndrew, Jacques Ledent and Rachid Ait-Said

Naturalization and employment integration of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands
Pieter Bevelander and Justus Veenman

Unemployment and discrimination against youth of immigrant origin in Switzerland: When the name makes the difference
Rosita Fibbi, Mathias Lerch and Philippe Wanner

Perceiving Discrimination: Psychological and Sociopolitical Barriers
Kim C. Matthews

Book reviews

Jean Lafontant, Gretchen C. Hess, Meredith Ralston, Gerald T. Burns, Soheila Pashang, Sandra Almeida, Alisdair Rogers and Richard Enns

Books received

Contributors' Notes/Notes biographiques

Volume 7, Number 4 / November, 2006

Social Class and Cross-Border Higher Education: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong and Macau
Mei Li and Mark Bray

Chinese Immigrants in Vancouver: Quo Vadis?
Shibao Guo and Don J. DeVoretz

Rewards of Technology: Explaining China's Reverse Migration
David Zweig, Siu Fung Chung and Wilfried Vanhonacker

Explaining the Socioeconomic Well-Being of Immigrants and Returned Migrants: An Econometric Analysis of the Hong Kong and Canadian Censuses of 2001
Tian Fangmen and Ma Zhongdong

Foreign-Educated Returnees in the People's Republic of China: Increasing Political Influence with Limited Official Power
Cheng Li

Book Reviews/Critiques de Livres

Books Received/Livres Reçus

Contributors' Notes/Notes biographiques

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