Rambler's Top100

№ 247 - 248
22 мая - 4 июня 2006

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Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Градоцентрическая модель мирового хозяйства

Демографическая дифференциация регионов России: динамика и развитие

Проблемы формирования толерантного отношения к ВИЧ-инфицированным в образовательной среде

Торговля людьми и эксплуатация принудительного труда

Принудительный труд в современной России: нерегулируемая миграция и торговля людьми

По страницам журналов «Социология медицины», «Терапевтический архив»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Population Economics»

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Journal of Population Economics


Volume 18, issues 1-4

Yongil Jeon, Michael P. Shields
The Easterlin hypothesis in the recent experience of higher-income OECD countries: A panel-data approach

Brigitte Waldorf, Pillsung Byun
Meta-analysis of the impact of age structure on fertility

Jinyoung Kim
Sex selection and fertility in a dynamic model of conception and abortion

Robert Kaestner, Neeraj Kaushal
Immigrant and native responses to welfare reform

Axel Heitmueller
Unemployment benefits, risk aversion, and migration incentives

Aslan Zorlu, Joop Hartog
The effect of immigration on wages in three european countries

Donald Lien, Yan Wang
Brain drain or brain gain: A revisit

Javier Gardeazabal, Arantza Ugidos
Gender wage discrimination at quantiles

William C. Horrace
On the ranking uncertainty of labor market wage gaps

Frank T. Denton, Christine H. Feaver, Byron G. Spencer
Time series analysis and stochastic forecasting: An econometric study of mortality and life expectancy

David McKenzie
Measuring inequality with asset indicators

Nava Kahana
On the surge of altruism

Eliakim Katz, Hillel Rapoport
On human capital formation with exit options

Allen C. Kelley, Robert M. Schmidt
Evolution of recent economic-demographic modeling: A synthesis

Murat Iyigun
Geography, demography, and early development

Wen-Jen Tsay, C. Y. Cyrus Chu
The pattern of birth spacing during Taiwan’s demographic transition

Matthias Doepke
Child mortality and fertility decline:Does the Barro-Becker model fit the facts?

Gustavo Angeles, David K. Guilkey, Thomas A. Mroz
The determinants of fertility in rural Peru: Program effects in the early years of the national family planning program

Susan L. Averett, Lisa A. Gennetian, H. Elizabeth Peters
Paternal child care and children’s development

Lisa A. Gennetian
One or two parents? Half or step siblings? The effect of family structure on young children’s achievement

Owen O’Donnell, Furio C. Rosati, Eddy van Doorslaer
Health effects of child work: Evidence from rural Vietnam

John Ermisch, David J. Pevalin
Early motherhood and later partnerships

Robert A. Nakosteen, Olle Westerlund, Michael A. Zimmer
Health-related disabilities and matching of spouses: Analysis of Swedish population data

Rodrigo A. Cerda
On social security financial crisis

Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Douglas Lundin, Maria Saez-Marti
The ageing of society, health services provision and taxes

Nicolas Beaulieu, Jean-Yves Duclos, Bernard Fortin, Manon Rouleau
Intergenerational reliance on social assistance: Evidence from Canada

Luis Ayala, Cesar Perez
Macroeconomic conditions, institutional factors and demographic structure: What causes welfare caseloads?

Alberto Davila, Marie T. Mora
Changes in the Earnings of Arab Men in the US between 2000 and 2002

Olof Aslund, Dan-Olof Rooth
Shifts in attitudes and labor market discrimination: Swedish experiences after 9-11

Barry R. Chiswick, Yew Liang Lee, Paul W. Miller
Family matters: the role of the family in immigrants' destination language acquisition

Thomas Bauer, Gil S. Epstein, Ira N. Gang
Enclaves, language, and the location choice of migrants

Deborah Cobb-Clark, Marie D. Connolly, Christopher Worswick
Post-migration investments in education and job search: a family perspective

Taryn Ann Galloway, Rolf Aaberge
Assimilation effects on poverty among immigrants in Norway

Timothy J. Hatton
Explaining trends in UK immigration

Hendrik P. van Dalen, George Groenewold, Jeannette Schoorl
Out of Africa: what drives the pressure to emigrate?

Augustin de Coulon, Matloob Piracha
Self-selection and the performance of return migrants: the source country perspective

Volume19, issue 1

Anders Bjrklund
Does family policy affect fertility?: Lessons from Sweden

Stephan Klasen, Andrey Launov
Analysis of the determinants of fertility decline in the Czech Republic

Alfonso Miranda
Are young cohorts of women delaying first birth in Mexico?

Rodrigo R. Soares
The effect of longevity on schooling and fertility: evidence from the Brazilian Demographic and Health Survey

Frederic Vermeulen
A collective model for female labour supply with non-participation and taxation

Helge Sanner
Imperfect goods and labor markets, and the union wage gap

Marco Manacorda, Barbara Petrongolo
Regional mismatch and unemployment: theory and evidence from Italy, 1977–1998

Emmanuel Skoufias, Susan W. Parker
Job loss and family adjustments in work and schooling during the Mexican peso crisis

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (с 2004 г.)
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