Rambler's Top100

№ 133 - 134
3 - 16 ноября 2003

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Читайте книги

На пути к переписи

Старение населения и пенсионные реформы в странах "большой семерки"

Российская диаспора в странах Балтии

Russian life in Finland 1917-1939

Социология предпринимательства: прикладные исследования

По страницам журналов «Cоциальная защита», и «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины»

Содержание журнала «Population and Environment»

Population and Environment

A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Резюме статей свободно доступны в режиме on-line

March 2003, Volume 24, Issue 4


pp. 293-311
An Empirical Environmental Sustainability Index Derived Solely from Nighttime Satellite Imagery and Ecosystem Service Valuation
Paul C. Sutton

pp. 313-327
Exponential Population Growth and Doubling Times: Are They Dead or Merely Quiescent?
John R. Bermingham

pp. 329-337
The Projection Problem
Robert J. Wyman

pp. 339-358
Impact of the 1999 East Marmara Earthquake in Turkey
Aytul Kasapo[gbreve]lu, Mehmet Ecevit

pp. 359-364
Book Review: Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict. Michael T. Klare. New York: Owl Books, 2001
George Michael

May 2003, Volume 24, Issue 5


pp. 367-368
Introduction to Special Section: Land Use Change and Aquatic Consequences
Alice L. Clarke

pp. 369-385
Industrialized Animal Production-A Major Source of Nutrient and Microbial Pollution to Aquatic Ecosystems
Michael A. Mallin, Lawrence B. Cahoon

pp. 387-413
Harmful Algal Blooms in South Carolina Residential and Golf Course Ponds
Alan J. Lewitus, Laura B. Schmidt, Larissa J. Mason, Jason W. Kempton, Susan B. Wilde, Jennifer L. Wolny, B. Jamie Williams, Kenneth C. Hayes, Sabrina N. Hymel, Charles J. Keppler, Amy H. Ringwood

pp. 415-444
Adolescents Leaving Parental Home: Psychosocial Correlates and Implications for Conservation
Li An, Angela G. Mertig, Jianguo Liu

pp. 445-447
Book Review: Dawkins vs. Gould: Survival of the Fittest.
Kim Sterelny. Cambridge: Icon Books/Totem Books, 2001. ISBN 1-84046-249-3. 156 pp.
Iver Mysterud

July 2003, Volume 24, Issue 6

Special Issue: Restoring the Florida Everglades


pp. 451-453
Introduction to Special Issue: Restoring the Florida Everglades-Balancing Population and the Environment
Alice L. Clarke

pp. 455-484
Everglades Restoration: Interactions of Population and Environment
Bonnie Kranzer

pp. 485-509
Institutions, Incentives, and Resource Use Conflicts: The Case of Biscayne Bay, Florida
Mahadev Bhat, Athena Stamatiades

pp. 511-540
Implementing the Principles of Ecosystem Management Through Local Land Use Planning
Samuel D. Brody

pp. 541-569
$7.8 Billion for Everglades Restoration: Why Do Environmentalists Look So Worried?
Alice L. Clarke, George H. Dalrymple

pp. 571-575
Book Review: Beyond Earth Day: Fulfilling the Promise. Gaylord Nelson with Susan Campbell and Paul Wozniak. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2002: 160 pp.
B. Meredith Burke

September 2003, Volume 25, Issue 1


pp. 3-21
The Differential Influence of Women's Residential District on the Risk of Entering First Marriage and Motherhood in Western Germany
Karsten Hank

pp. 23-39
Environmental Hazards, Migration, and Race
Lori M. Hunter, Michael J. White, Jani S. Little, Jeannette Sutton

pp. 41-59
Stalled Fertility Decline in Egypt, Why?
Eltigani E. Eltigani

pp. 61-69
On Exponential Growth and Half-Lives: A Comment on Bermingham
Albert A. Bartlett

pp. 71-73
On Exponential Growth and Mathematical Purity: A Reply to Bartlett
John R. Bermingham

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