Rambler's Top100

№ 123 - 124
25 августа - 7 сентября 2003

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Читайте книги

Здоровье матерей и младенцев в Восточной Европе и Евразии

Перспективы развития России: роль демографического фактора

Учебное пособие по переписям населения

Социально-экономические тенденции в Центральной и Восточной Европе и в СНГ

По страницам журналов «Акушерство и гинекология» и «Вопросы статистики»

Содержание журналов «Journal of Marriage and Family» и "International Family Planning Perspectives"

Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health in Eastern Europe and Eurasia:
A Comparative Report

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ORC Macro, 2003
237 pages

Сравнительный анализ результатов 16 обследований рождаемости и репродуктивного здоровья, проводившихся в 1993-2001 годах в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ (в России, Украине, Молдавии, Азербайджане, Армении, Грузии, Казахстане, Киргизии, Туркменистане, Узбекистане, Румынии и Чешской республике) по инициативе и при поддержке USAID (United States Agency for International Development).






1. BACKGROUND (Florina Serbanescu, Leo Morris)
1.1 Shared History
1.2 Similar Demographic Profiles
1.3 Common Reproductive Health Concerns
1.4 Young Adult Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Growing Concern
1.5 Women's Status and Gender Issues
1.6 Health and Population Policies
1.7 Measurement Issues

2. METHODOLOGY (Leo Morris, Jeremiah M. Sullivan, Howard Goldberg)
2.1 Sampling Design
2.2 Characteristics of Eligible Women

3. FERTILITY (Jeremiah M. Sullivan, Howard Goldberg)
3.1 Fertility Levels
3.2 Fertility Differentials
3.3 Age Pattern of Fertility
3.4 Time Trends
3.5 Marital Status
3.6 First Sexual Relations and First Union by Age 20
3.7 Summary of Findings

4. ABORTION (Jeremiah M. Sullivan, Florina Serbanescu, Howard Goldberg)
4.1 Survey Data
4.2 Comparison of Survey and Government Statistics
4.3 Levels and Age Pattern of Abortion
4.4 Abortion Differentials
4.5 Time Trends
4.6 Unintended Pregnancy, Abortion, and Contraception
4.7 Reasons for Abortion
4.8 Post-abortion Complications
4.9 Summary of Findings

5. CONTRACEPTIVE KNOWLEDGE AND USE (Florina Serbanescu, Ranee Seither)
5.1 Contraceptive Awareness
5.2 Current Contraceptive Prevalence
5.3 Source of Contraception
5.4 Reasons for Not Using Contraception
5.5 Intention to Use Contraception among Nonusers
5.6 Recent Trends in Contraceptive Use
5.7 Contraceptive Failure and Discontinuation
5.8 Contraceptive Counseling
5.9 Summary of Findings

6. NEED FOR CONTRACEPTIVE SERVICES (Florina Serbanescu, Leo Morris, Howard Goldberg)
6.1 Potential Demand and Unmet Need for Family Planning Services
6.2 Unmet Need for Family Planning Services According to Fertility Preferences
6.3 Summary of Findings on Unmet Need

7.1 Desire for More Information about Contraception
7.2 Opinion on the Best Source of Information About Contraception
7.3 Opinions Regarding the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Pill and IUD
7.4 Opinions on Risks to Women's Health Due to Contraceptive Use
7.5 Opinions About Abortion
7.6 Opinions on Risks to Women's Health Due to Abortion
7.7 Discussion of Contraception Between Partners
7.8 Perception of Husbands' Opinion of Contraception
7.9 Summary of Findings

8. MATERNAL CARE (Howard Goldberg, Ranee Seither)
8.1 Prenatal Care
8.2 Pregnancy and Delivery
8.3 Birth Weight
8.4 Postpartum Care
8.5 Summary of Findings

9. HEALTH BEHAVIORS (Florina Serbanescu, Ranee Seither)
9.1 Prevalence of Routine Gynecologic Visits
9.2 Breast Self-Exam
9.3 Cervical Cancer Screening
9.4 Prevalence of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and STI Symptoms
9.5 Cigarette Smoking
9.6 Alcohol Use
9.7 Summary of Findings

10. KNOWLEDGE OF HIV/AIDS TRANSMISSION AND PREVENTION (S. Afua Appiah-Yeboah, Leo Morris, Ranee Seither)
10.1 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS
10.2 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Transmission
10.3 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Prevention
10.4 Self-Perceived Risk of HIV/AIDS
10.5 Summary of Findings

11.1 Breastfeeding
11.2 Nutrition of Children
11.3 Nutrition of Women
11.4 Summary of Findings

12. ANEMIA AMONG WOMEN AND CHILDREN (Almaz T. Sharman, Howard Goldberg)
12.1 Design and Methodology of the Anemia Studies
12.2 Anemia Among Women
12.3 Anemia Among Children
12.4 Anemia Trends: Changes in the Prevalence of Anemia in Kazakhstan
12.5 Summary of Findings

13. INFANT AND CHILD MORTALITY (Jeremiah M. Sullivan, Albert Themme)
13.1 Definitional Issues
13.2 Data Collection Procedures
13.3 Survey Estimates of Infant and Child Mortality
13.4 Survey and Government Mortality Rates Compared
13.5 Evaluation of Survey Data
13.6 Mortality Differentials
13.7 Time Trends in Mortality
13.8 Summary of Findings
Appendix - The Reproductive Section of the Survey Questionnaires

14. SEXUAL AND CONTRACEPTIVE BEHAVIOR OF YOUNG ADULTS (Leo Morris, S. Afua Appiah-Yeboah, Florina Serbanescu)
14.1 First Sexual Experience
14.2 Current Sexual Activity
14.3 Condom Attitudes
14.4 Trend Data in Romania (1993-1999)
14.5 Summary of Findings

15. SEXUALITY EDUCATION (Florina Serbanescu, Leo Morris)
15.1 Opinions about Sexuality Education in School
15.2 Young Adult Experience with Sexuality Education at Home or in School
15.3 Most Important Source of Information about Sexual Matters
15.4 Summary of Findings

16. PHYSICAL AND SEXUAL ABUSE (Florina Serbanescu, Mary Goodwin)
16.1 History of Witnessing or Experiencing Parental Physical Abuse
16.2 Types of IPV in Eastern Europe and Caucasus
16.3 Discussions of Physical Abuse with Others
16.4 Summary of Findings




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ISSN 1726-2887

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