Rambler's Top100

№ 119 - 120
30 июня - 10 августа 2003

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Читайте книги

Новый учебник демографии

Кризис здоровья в России глазами американского эксперта

Миграционные намерения выпускников высших учебных заведений

Евразийское пространство в Альманахе Школы молодого автора

Россия, которую мы обретаем

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Врач»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Population Economics»

Journal of Population Economics


2002, Volume 15, Issue 4

Daniel S. Hamermesh
Timing, togetherness and time windfalls
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:601-623

Linda Adair, David Guilkey, Eilene Bisgrove, Socorro Gultiano
Effect of childbearing on Filipino women's work hours
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:625-645

Gerard J. van den Berg, Anders Holm, Jan C. van Ours
Do stepping-stone jobs exist? Early career paths in the
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:647-665

Namkee Ahn, Pedro Mira
A note on the changing relationship between fertility
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:667-682

Richard Davies, Eskil Heinesen, Anders Holm
The relative risk aversion hypothesis J Popul Econ (2002)

Eli Feinerman, Edward J.Seiler
Private transfers with incomplete information:A contribution to the 'altruism-exchange motivation for transfers' debate
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:715-736

Bertrand Crettez, Patricia Le Maitre
Optimal age of retirement and population growth
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:737-755

Anders Björklund, Tor Eriksson, Markus Jäntti, Oddbjörn Raaum, Eva Österbacka
Brother correlations in earnings in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden compared to the United States
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:757-772

James R.Walker
A Comment on Ali Tasiran's 'Wage and income effects on the timing and spacing of births in Sweden an in the United States
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:773-782

Ali C. Tasiran
A reply to Walker's note: A comment on Tasiran's 'Wage and income effects on the timing and spacing of births in Sweden and the United States'
J Popul Econ (2002) 15:783-796

2003, Volume 16, Issue 1

Torben M. Andersen
European integration and the welfare state
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:001-019

R. Rees, John Komlos, Ngo V. Long, Ulrich Woitek
Optimal food allocation in a slave economy
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:021-036

Helmuth Cremer, Arnaud Dellis, Pierre Pestieau
Family size and optimal income taxation
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:037-054

Irwin Garfinkel, Chien-Chung Huang, Sara S. McLanahan, Daniel S. Gaylin
The roles of child support enforcement and welfare in nonmarital childbearing
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:055-070

Dan Anderberg
Voluntary income sharing and the design of unemployment insurance
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:071-090

Shuanglin Lin, Xiaowen Tian
Population growth and social security financing
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:091-110

Andreas Wagener
Pensions as a portfolio problem: fixed contribution rates vs. fixed replacement rates reconsidered
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:111-134

Antoine Bommier, Ronald D. Lee
Overlapping generations models with realistic demography
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:135-160

Manon Domingues Dos Santos, Fabien Postel-Vinay
Migration as a source of growth: The perspective of a developing country
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:161-175

Pal Longva, Oddbjorn Raaum
Earnings assimilation of immigrants in Norway - A reappraisal
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:177-193

2003, Volume 16, Issue 2

Daniel Hallberg, Anders Klevmarken
Time for children: A study of parent's time allocation
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:205-226

Begona Alvarez, Daniel Miles
Gender effect on housework allocation: Evidence from Spanish two-earner couples
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:227-242

Cheolsung Park
Are children repaying parental loans? Evidence from Malaysia using matched child-parent pairs
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:243-263

Gianna Claudia Giannelli, Chiara Monfardini
Joint decisions on household membership and human capital accumulation of youths. The role of expected earnings and local markets
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:265-285

Anh Ngoc Nguyen, Jim Taylor
Post-high school choices: New evidence from a multinomial logit model
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:287-306

Leonor Modesto
Should I stay or should I go? Educational choices and earnings: An empirical study for Portugal
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:307-322

Arnaud Chevalier, Tarja K. Viitanen
The long-run labour market consequences of teenage motherhood in Britain
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:323-343

Hans Fehr, Wenche Irer'n Sterkeby, Øystein Thøgersen
Social security reforms and early retirement
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:345-361

Tetsuo Ono
Social security policy with public debt in an aging economy
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:363-387

Pietro Senesi
Population dynamics and life-cycle consumption
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:389-394

Kazutoshi Miyazawa
Private versus public financing of education and endogenous growth: A comment on Bräuninger and Vidal
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:395-396

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ISSN 1726-2887

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